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The AJ Project is a non profit 501(c)3. Your contribution is tax deductible. Please keep your receipt for future reference. Tickets for events are considered a contribution and are transferable to another person. Please notify Christine@4theajproject if you wish to transfer your ticket.

Create From the Heart 2018 Sponsorship


VIP Partner: $5000

Co-sponsor of the Event, logo or name listed on all event materials including step and repeat, print and social media materials, highlight story on AJP blog and social media, logo featured on website, social media and print materials for one year, opportunity for sponsor to speak at the event, meet and greet and photo ops with talent, 2 reserved tables with 4 bottles of wine on each. 20 VIP tickets to the event.

Video Production Sponsor: $4000.00 

Producer Credit on our Organ Donor Campaign Video, Logo listed on all event materials including step and repeat, print and social media materials, highlight story on AJP blog and social media, logo featured on website, social media and print materials for one year, opportunity for sponsor to speak at the event, meet and greet and photo ops with talent. Reserved tables with 2 bottles of wine on each. 8 VIP tickets to the event.

Gold Sponsor $3000

Logo listed on all event materials including step and repeat, social media recognition, logo featured on website and event pages, meet and greet and photo op with talent. Reserved table with 4 bottles of wine. 10 VIP tickets to the event.

Audio Visual Sponsor $2000.00 or Gear (equivalent in kind donations of services and/or gear accepted)

Logo or name listed on all event materials including step and repeat, print and social media materials, highlight story on AJP blog and social media, logo featured on website, social media and print materials for one year, opportunity for sponsor to speak at the event, meet and greet and photo ops with talent. Reserved tables with 2 bottles of wine on each. 8 VIP tickets to the event.

Sponser a Table $1500

Logo or Name listed on all event materials, logo featured on website and event pages, meet and greet and photo op with talent. Reserved table with 2 bottles of wine. 8 VIP tickets to the event and donate 2 to our volunteer staff. 

Volunteer Sponsor $300.00 

Buys four meals for our volunteer staff. Logo or Name listed on all event materials, logo featured on website and event pages,

Bartender Fee Sponsor $ 250.00

We are charged a fee outside of the per person cost and would love to have that covered. Your name/logo will be placed on the bar and on all event materials. 

Raffle and Auction Items:  Please click on the Raffle/Auction link for more information.  




Who's donating: from donated. Thank you!