Saturday April 6th 2019 AJ Project connects creative artists to organ donor awareness!
We Need your help to make it a success!!!! Please contact [email protected] to become part of our team.
Click below to see pictures and videos from past events.
AJ Project receives $5000 for organ donor awareness video geared to teens.
Seeks matching funds to expand the program.
Connecting Creative Artists to Organ Donor Awareness Campaign
Thanks to New York City Councilman Paul Vallone, The AJ Project is happy to announce that they will receive a $5000 grant to create a PSA video for organ donor awareness for teens from the District 19 - 2019 Discretionary Fund distribution. Founded in 2014, AJP's mission is to bring professional and emerging artists together to raise funds and awareness around important critical issues and causes. Because of its namesake, professional performer and actor AJ Perrelli, and his gifts of life, using the arts as a way to create a campaign to bring awareness to the need for organ donor registration makes sense.
The AJ Project is continuing to look for sponsors and funding to meet their 2019 goal of $20,000 to expand the program to include a grass roots campaign directed by professionals and driven by teens. It is their hope that businesses and influencers will give their expertise, time, talent and of course money to make this happen.
AJ Perrelli was a professional dancer, singer, actor and stage performer who passed away in October 2013 at the young age of 26. His final casting call was as an organ donor. His gifts of life saved 5 lives and gave sight to 2 more. Because of AJ, both in life and after his death, people world wide were, and still are, inspired to pursue their passions for the the arts and also sign up as organ donors.
The greater New York region has a severe problem in the number of donors vs. people on the waiting list. Over 10,000 people are on the waiting list.
At the time of his death in 2013, AJ was one of only 227 donors in the greater NYC area. The NY region was 50th in the nation in registration and 10,000 New Yorkers were on the waiting list.* AJ's gifts saved 5 lives and gave vision to two.
AJP's Past projects have included a fundraising video for The Boys and Girls Club of Queens, Disaster Relief for St, Vincent De Paul Society and two videos for organ donor awareness.
Why focus on teens?
In an attempt to reach teens getting their permits and drivers licenses, in 2017 NY finally caught up with the majority of states and implemented legislation allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register as organ donors. This outreach is likely to be more successful in the suburbs than the urban areas because most teens in NYC use public transportation.
What we will do
Phase 1 will begin in February 2019 with a focus group comprised of local high school students guided by a certified teaching artist. The kids will partner with the AJP production team to write, storyboard and produce an organ donor awareness campaign video.
Phase 2 will be pre and post production. This portion engages professionals and emerging artists directing the team of teens in production.
Phase 3 Video Premier and registration campaign. The video will premiere at the high school and will be accompanied by literature and sign up opportunities as an organ donor. We will also provide resources to share the teens intentions to their parents.
If you would like to be a part of their team contact [email protected], Like their Facebook page, follow on Instagram or sign up on the website at (click the link below).
Are you an organ donor? Its easier than you think. To become a registered donor in New York State, applicants can register when obtaining a driver license or non-driver identification card, or by renewing their driver license by signing the donor box that appears on each of these forms. Additionaly you can register through the New York State Health Department's website, or on your voter registration form.
Don't Forget to follow the AJ Project on Social Media
*Data is provided by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN)/Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR)/United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS). Jan 20, 2013. Data is subject to change.