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The AJ Project's artists driven passion project is #Createfromtheheart
This annual event is held in Queens NY is an homage to AJ's talents in the arts and his final casting call as an organ donor. The event highlights local emerging and professional singers, dancers and video production teams. We speak of AJ's organ donation and high light local organ donor recipients and those in need. The event highlights any services, productions and future initiatives that The AJ Project is working on. Visit our AJ Project YouTubechannel to see the talent and productions that made these events special since 2016.
The AJ Project is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.
2019 Create from the Heart: Thank you to all who came out to support, donated, gave items for auction or raffles and volunteered their time and talents to The AJ Projects 3rd Annual Friend Raiser held April 6, 2019 at the Terrace on the Park in Flushing Meadows NY.
The funds raised will pay for the hard cost of running a volunteer organization. This year our mission is to grow our Create from the HeART program and continue to create projects that combined music, dance, video and live production to create a voice to the need for organ donor registration.
Imagine being handed a recording of your son's last heartbeat. In October 2013, this was a gift Christine Perrelli received from her husband Anthony just hours after their 26-year-old son became an organ donor.
April is Organ Donor Awareness Month so it was very appropriate for The AJ Project to present this dance piece called Create From the HeART at our annual friend raiser on April 6, 2019. Thanks to musician Jarvis Green, choreographer Kerry McManus, support from the Corson Family Foundation and volunteers from The AJ Project, our dream of producing a music and dance piece inspired by AJ's heartbeat came to life. This one project brought together so many elements of the AJ Projects mission of connecting and providing support to creative artists and bringing a voice to causes through the arts.
Pictured: L-R Cristina Tumillo, Kerry McManus, Christopher Makens, Liana Kleinman, Dani Cole and Emily Kramm
The Story of Organ Donation has many sides. Click the link below to see
Lisa Baxter Speaks her truth as a long time dialysis patient and kidney recipient.
Pictured: L-R Lisa Baxter, AJ Perrelli (photo) Christine Perrelli
"People ask me why I started the AJ Project and why we choose the arts and to advocate for organ donation. What I tell them is this. Here we are five years later and because of AJ’s story and The AJ Project I can still talk about my son like a proud momma. I get to brag of his accomplishments as an artists and his generosity as a donor. I always hope that his story will inspire creatives to work hard and give back to the community."
Christine Perrelli, AJ's mother and co-founder, The AJ Project
We are an arts org.
We bring professional and emerging artist together to raise funds and awareness to important critical issues and causes.
We champion the importance of organ donor registration.
Why? #4AJ
501(c)3 not for profit
2019 Create from the heART was brought to you with contributions from
To watch all the performance from the 2019 Create from the HeART - Playlist Here
Click Performers Pictures for individual performances
Michael Perrelli sings Paint it Black
Eric Schuett sings Needs to Know
Nick Perrelli sings The Summer Wind
Meghan Jenkins sings Thats Life
Frank Paris - Magician Performs
Do you want to co-host an event? Reach out to @4theajproject on facebook, instagram or twitter or email info
Press- Around Queens Event Coverage
Press - Dance Network
Why organ donation?
* Because of AJ, people world wide registered for organ donation
* When the Perrelli family heard the statistics on donation in our area they were appalled
* Even though you may be registered you family can still refuse your wishes
* Not everyone is able to donate organs but there are other options such as tissue, corneas and bone
In NY/HudsonValley/Long Island Area
In 2013
Ranked 50th in the nation for organ donation
only 223 people donated organs
Over 10,000 people on the waiting list
In 2018
Ranked 50th in the nation for organ donation
only 313 people donated organs
Over 10,000 people on the waiting list
*Statistics provided by Unos and LiveOnNY
Why The AJ Project? The simple answer is #4AJ.
When AJ passed away, a fund was set up to help with his burial costs. After all was done, there was $800 still in the account. AJ's mother promised that any remaining money would be put into a fund for the arts in honor of AJ. The AJ Project was born.
This project exists as an extension of its namesake: AJ Perrelli's love of creating and connecting those who create. AJ was a professional dancer, singer, actor and artist who left us too soon at 26. His final casting call was as an organ donor. Because of AJ's generosity both in life and after his death, people worldwide were inspired to pursue their passions for the the arts and sign up as organ donors.
The AJ Project is dedicated to the memory of Anthony "AJ" Perrelli (AJ's story)
August 5, 1987 - October 16, 2013
The AJ Project is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.